The Best PPA Structures in the Southern European Region
Time: 13:30 - 14:15
Date: Day Two
The chosen offtake structure can impact the profitability of PV projects and the feasibility of obtaining project finance. This panel discusses the merits and drawbacks of different offtake structures like feed-in-tariff, PPAs, CPPAs, and merchant offtake in the context of:
- The level and length of offtake agreements
- The risk appetite for the merchant revenue
- What are offtakers from varying sectors looking for?
- Jonathan Touriño Jacobo Section Editor - PV Tech
- Yiannis Sakellion Business Development Director - Voltalia Greece
- Dr. Marios Stanitsas Senior Power Origination Manager - ABO Energy
- Vasilis Pantzalis Department Head: Forward Market & RES Asset Management - Elpedison S.A.
- Diomidis Dorkofikis Partner - Foresight Group
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